Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

The ability to commission and decommission servers, networks, storage, etc. on demand and instantaneously on a pay-as-you-go basis is known as IaaS. During the course we demonstrate the Iaas provisions from the major providers and via Hands-On exercises use the Eucalyptus cloud to gain experience in commissioning a server. Then Amazon Web services is examined in detail as an example of IaaS also.

Platform as a Service (PaaS):

A computing platform, defining development tools, execution environment, middleware and deployment tools, available as a pay-as-you-go system is known as PaaS. During the course, we introduce the kind of facilities PaaS provides and look at the Google App Engine as an example of PaaS, using the Google development tools and seeing an application deployed to Google App engine.

Software as a Service (SaaS):

Applications delivered over the Internet that reside in the cloud and are accessed on a pay-as-you-go financial model are known as SaaS. Examples include Google applications for word processing, spreadsheets and presentations and

During the course, attendees gain experience in using the Google productivity tools as an example of SaaS. In addition, services for building applications such as credit card payment services will also be examined.

Function as a Service ( FaaS):

A cloud service model called “Function-as-a-Service,” or “FaaS,” enables developers to create, compute, operate, and manage application packages as functions without keeping up with their infrastructure.

These functions use a FaaS provider’s services to handle server-side logic and state in an event-driven execution architecture that operates in stateless containers. FaaS solutions are accessible on popular public clouds and may be installed on-premise, giving business IT for app development critical new features. To get ready to adopt a serverless strategy with FaaS, get the cloud-native strategy guide. Then, developers create a business logic run in Linux containers entirely controlled by a platform as part of a serverless cloud computing solutions called FaaS.